What’s happening In New Zealand today?

In NZ today we have had a fire break out on Auckland’s southern motorway which is never good news and will cause delays to drivers, nothing like I was used to living in the south of the UK that’s for sure!

Immigration is in the news with migrants who are on an accredited Employer work visa now have to be paid $29.66 and the accredited work visa is to go through a major overhaul.

Along with the immigration news we do have an unemployment forecast of 5% in 2025 compared with UK current unemployment rate of 4.3% and jobs being advertised currently is low however the main jobs which are in high demand are in healthcare, teaching, finance and accountancy as well as Engineering and IT.

The best news is that real fruit ice cream is a major hit with kiwis and made the news today, it is real fruit that is put into the machine with vanilla ice-cream and comes out as a fresh fruity ice-cream, quoted as being the taste of summer here… Yum!

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